April 2, 2023

This release is bringing you many new features and improvements to help you create top-quality training data for your AI. Keep on reading to learn more!

OCR annotation

SuperAnnotate is now supporting OCR annotations. Now you can easily extract and process digital or handwritten texts from images. Use the brand new Magic Box tool to automate the annotation process.

  1. Select the Magic Box tool from the left panel or press O on the keyboard.
  2. Select a class with an OCR attribute group type.
  3. Draw a box over the text you want to automatically extract.

The text will be added in the attributes.

Custom metadata in Insights

Now you can use Insights with custom metadata. You can break down and filter items by custom metadata that you provide. This will help you better visualize the data trends and distribution of your dataset health and annotation team performance.

Other features and improvements

  • You can now reorder classes in the order you want to see them in the editor.
  • Tags have now shortcuts in the Text Editor. Each tag is assigned a number. When you press that number on the keyboard, the tag will be applied to the item.
  • SDK changelog

What do you think of the updates? We’d love to hear your feedback.

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