Getting started
SuperAnnotate Python SDK is available on PyPI. Use the following command on your terminal to install our SDK.
pip install superannotate
The latest version supports Python 3.7 + and was tested under Linux and Windows (Anaconda) platforms.
You need to install the ffmpeg package for certain video-related functions to work. It can be installed on Ubuntu with the following command:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
To use the consensus functions on Windows and Mac platforms, you might also need to install the shapely
package beforehand. The package works well only under the Anaconda distribution with:
conda install shapely
Initialization and authorization
To use the SDK, you need to create a config file with a team-specific authentication token. The token is available to Team Admins on the Team Settings page.
SAClient can be used without arguments
Without arguments
from superannotate import SAClient
sa_client = SAClient()
Method 1: SA_TOKEN
is defined as an environment variable.
Method 2: Generate a default location (~/.superannotate/config.ini) config file. CLI init should be used:
superannotatecli init --token <token>
[--logging_path <Default=/Users/username/.superannotate/logs>]
With arguments
Method 1: Use the token as an argument
from superannotate import SAClient
Method 2: Create a custom config file
from superannotate import SAClient
sa_client = SAClient(config_path="~/.superannotate/dev-config.ini")
Custom config.ini example:
SA_TOKEN = <token>
LOGGING_PATH = /Users/username/data/superannotate_logs
Class SAClient
Create the SAClient
instance to authorize SDK in a team scope. If no argument is provided, the SA_TOKEN
environmental variable will be automatically checked, or $HOME/.superannotate/config.json
will be used.
# To instantiate SAClient using the team token:
team_1 = SAClient(
token = "48c828b33e1a2a92fcdfccd54ecfebde1a1b787c741dd34935fe6c00430d80e78156c181c6e79759t=12759"
# To instantiate SAClient using the path to the config file that contains the team token:
team_1 = SAClient(config_path = "~/.superannotate/config.json")
# No arguments:
team_1 = SAClient()
To get the name of the team you've instantiated the instance for:
To create an SAClient
instance for another team in parallel (using another config.json file/token):
team_2 = SAClient(config_path = "~/.superannotate/2_config.json")
To get the name of the other team you've instantiated an SAClient
Updated 9 months ago