Audio Project

To import annotations to a Video or Audio Project, you need to import a JSON file of the annotations.

The Audio annotation JSON contains three main fields: metadata, instances, and tags.

    "metadata": {},
    "instances": [],
    "tags": [],


    "metadata": {
        "name": "audio_file_example_1",
        "duration": 30526667,
        "lastAction": {
            "timestamp": 1708509102107,
            "email": ""
        "projectId": 643168,
        "url": "",
        "status": "Completed",
        "error": null,
        "annotatorEmail": "",
        "qaEmail": ""

Description (mandatory fields are marked in bold):

  • "name": string - Item name as stated in the CSV file or generated by SDK.
  • "status": string - The item’s status. It can be: NotStarted, InProgress, QualityCheck, Returned, Skipped, or Completed.
  • “url”: string - The URL from the attached CSV file.
  • “duration”: integer - The item duration in microseconds.
  • “projectId”: integer - The project ID.
  • "error": boolean - If it is true, the item is disapproved in the tool. If it is false, then the item is approved in the tool. The field is null if the item is neither approved nor disapproved.
  • "annotatorEmail": string - The annotator’s email address.
  • "qaEmail": string - The QA’s email address.
  • "lastAction": Information about the user who last edited the item. Edits include changing the class of an instance, adding or deleting attribute, keyframes, or tags, and adding, deleting, or stretching instances.
    • "email": string - The email address of the last user who added or edited an instance. Format example: "email": “
    • "timestamp": integer - The date and time when the instance was last edited.


About mandatory fields

  • If the object lastAction exists, then the email and timestamp are mandatory.



            "meta": {
                "id": "MTQ5ODMuMzY0MTI2ODQyNDY0",
                "type": "event",
                "classId": 5326959,
                "className": "Speaker 1",
                "createdBy": {
                    "email": "",
                    "role": "Annotator"
                "createdAt": "2024-02-14T16:30:24.894Z",
                "updatedBy": {
                    "email": "",
                    "role": "Admin"
                "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T09:51:42.093Z",
                "start": 0,
                "end": 865307
            "parameters": [
                    "start": 0,
                    "end": 865307,
                    "timestamps": [
                            "attributes": [
                                    "groupId": 5185285,
                                    "name": "Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to discuss the latest findings in artificial intelligence and its impact on various industries. Let's dive right in.",
                                    "groupName": "Transcription"
                            "timestamp": 0
                            "attributes": [
                                    "groupId": 5185285,
                                    "name": "Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to discuss the latest findings in artificial intelligence and its impact on various industries. Let's dive right in.",
                                    "groupName": "Transcription"
                                    "id": 10742196,
                                    "groupId": 5185286,
                                    "name": "Happy",
                                    "groupName": "Voice tone"
                            "timestamp": 496923
                            "attributes": [
                                    "groupId": 5185285,
                                    "name": "Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to discuss the latest findings in artificial intelligence and its impact on various industries. Let's dive right in.",
                                    "groupName": "Transcription"
                                    "id": 10742196,
                                    "groupId": 5185286,
                                    "name": "Happy",
                                    "groupName": "Voice tone"
                            "timestamp": 865307

Description (mandatory fields are marked in bold):

  • “meta”: objects
    • “id”: string - Unique instance ID.
    • “type”: The dictionary is an event.
    • “classId”: integer - Class ID (A class ID from the “classes.json” belonging to the instance’s corresponding class, or -1 if the instance is not classified).
    • "className": string - Class name (one of the class names in “classes.json”, or an empty value if the instance is not classified).
    • "createdBy": object - Information about the user who created the event.
      • "email": string - The email address of the user who created the event.
      • "role": string - The role of the user who created the event.
    • "createdAt": string - The date and time when the event was created.
    • "updatedBy": objects - Information about the user who last updated the event.
      • "email": string - The email address of the user who updated the event.
      • "role": string - The role of the user who updated the event.
    • "updatedAt": string - The date and time when the event was updated.
    • “start”: integer - The time that marks the beginning of the event. The timestamp is in microseconds.
    • “end”: integer - The time that marks the end of the event. The timestamp is in microseconds.
  • “parameters”: array
    • “start”: integer - The time that marks the beginning of a specific section of an event. The timestamp is in microseconds.
    • “end”: integer - The time that marks the end of a specific section of an event. The timestamp is in microseconds.
    • “timestamps”: array - Shows information about the event at specific timestamps (start, end, edit).
      • “timestamp”: integer - Timestamp that marks the change of the event. The timestamp in microseconds.
      • “attributes”: array of objects - List of attributes for the event in this location on a timeline.
        • “id”: integer - Attribute ID (must be in “classes.json”)
        • “groupId”: integer - Attribute group ID (must be in “classes.json”)
        • "name": string - Attribute name (must be in “classes.json”)
        • "groupName": string - Attributes group name (must be in “classes.json”)


About mandatory fields

  • If the objects createdBy and updatedBy exist, then email and role are mandatory.
  • If the array attributes exists, it can be either empty or it can contain objects with the following fields: name and groupName.



   "meta": {
     "type": "tag",
     "classId": 5005974,
     "className": "Weather",
     "createdBy": {
       "email": "",
       "role": "Annotator"
     "createdAt": "2022-07-18T09:27:45.813Z",
     "updatedBy": {
       "email": "",
       "role": "QA"
     "updatedAt": "2022-07-18T09:40:44.867Z",
     "attributes": [
         "id": 847267,
         "groupId": 215515,
         "name": "Yes",
         "groupName": "Rainy"

Description (mandatory fields are marked in bold):

  • “meta”: objects
    • “type”: string - The dictionary is a tag.
    • “classId”: integer - Class ID (A class ID from the “classes.json” belonging to the instance’s corresponding class).
    • "className": string - Class name (one of the class names in “classes.json”).
    • "createdBy": Information about the user who created the tag.
      • "email": string - The email address of the user who created the tag.
      • "role": string - The role of the user who created the tag.
    • "createdAt": string - The date and time when the instance was created.
    • "updatedBy": objects - Information about the user who last updated the tag.
      • "email": string - The email address of the user who updated the tag.
      • "role": string - The role of the user who updated the tag.
    • "updatedAt": string - The date and time when the tag was updated.
    • “attributes”: array - List of attributes for the tag.
      • “id”: integer - Attribute ID (must be in “classes.json”)
      • “groupId”: integer - Attribute group ID (must be in “classes.json”)
      • "name": string - Attribute name
      • "groupName": string - Attribute group name


About mandatory fields

  • If the objects createdBy and updatedBy exist, then email and role are mandatory.
  • If the array attributes exists, it can be either empty or it can contain objects with the following fields: name and groupName.

Free text tag



  • "Tag": string - List of tag names added to the item.