Request images

Request images

To request images:

  • In Data, click Request Tasks.


  • In the editor's image panel, click +.

request images


Only Annotators and QAs can request images. They'll be automatically assigned up to the number of images that you set in Request item number in Settings. The minimum number is 1 and the maximum number is 200 for both Image Projects and Image (Legacy) Projects.


If the Priority scores task assignment setting is enabled for your project, then contributors will receive items by priority score.

Images received by status

The items that are received when requesting new tasks all count towards the batch size:

  • Annotators receive images with the following statuses: Not started, In progress, and Returned.
  • QAs receive images with the Quality check status.


Batch Size

  • Annotators and QAs can request a number of items based on the project's batch size.
  • Skipped items aren't counted towards the batch size limit.
  • Items will be removed from a contributor's item list if:
    • An Annotator marks an item for Quality Check, or marks it as Completed if they have permission.
    • A QA marks an item as Returned or Completed.
  • When an item is removed from a contributor's batch, they'll have space to request a number of items up to their project's batch size. The contributor doesn't have to process the entire batch to request more.

Images received by order

There are a few conditions that determine the order in which Annotators and QAs receive their requested tasks. Automatic assignment must be enabled for these conditions to be considered.

Additionally, if you’ve enabled any task request sub-setting, it may change the behavior of these conditions, as listed in the Setting-based conditions table below.

ConditionImage receiving order
If there's a folderAnnotators and QAs will first receive images from the folder, then they'll receive the images from the project’s root (if available) in ascending alphabetical order (by default) or by priority value (if available).
If there are multiple foldersAnnotators and QAs will first receive images from the folders, then they'll receive the images from the project’s root (if available) in ascending alphabetical order (by default) or by priority value (if available).
If there's no folderAnnotators and QAs will receive images from the project’s root in ascending alphabetical order (by default) or by priority value (if available).
If the Annotator or QA has folders assigned to themThe Annotator or QA will first receive the images from the assigned folders, then they'll receive images from the other folders and the project’s root in ascending alphabetical order (by default) or by priority value (if available).
If the number of images that are available in the first folder is smaller than the number of Request item number in SettingsAnnotators and QAs will receive the remaining images from the next folder in ascending alphabetical order (by default) or by priority value (if enabled).

For example:
Suppose a project has a Batch size number of 50 and contains the following folders: Folder A (40 items), and Folder B (30 items). When the Annotator or QA request items, they'll receive 40 items from Folder A and then 10 items from Folder B, to a total of 50 items.



  • An Annotator can't receive images from folders assigned to other Annotators.
  • A QA can't receive images from folders assigned to other QAs.

Settings-based conditions

There are two sub-settings that can further define your project’s task assignment. Only one of these settings may be enabled at one time.

ConditionItem receiving order
Priority score assignment- Annotators and QAs will receive items based on their priority scores, prevailing over the default item order (alphabetical).

- If multiple items have the same priority score, the assignment will consider them in alphabetical order.

- The task assignment will first consider the folders in alphabetical order, and then consider the contents within by priority score. The assignment will also prioritize folders that contributors are assigned to over any unassigned folders.

For example, let’s say your project has the following folders: Folder A and Folder B. Folder A has a few items with different priority scores, and some items without any priority scores. Folder B contains several items with higher priority scores than the items in Folder A.

Contributors will first be assigned items from Folder A, sorting these items by priority scores in descending order. Once all items with priority scores have been completed, contributors will then be assigned items without priority scores, until all items in Folder A are completed.

Once the last item from Folder A has been assigned and/or completed, items from Folder B will be considered.

This means that item priority scores are considered within each folder only, and not across different folders.
Random assignmentAnnotators and QAs will receive items at random from locations they have access to. This could be: the project's root, assigned folders (if any), and unassigned folders (if any).