Text input

This field can be used for any case (name, email, etc.) and can be further edited by label, placeholder and more.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Placeholder - Text input indicating the placeholder.
  • Min length - Minimum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Max length - Maximum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Hide during labeling - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, this component will be hidden on the main form. This option is useful when you want to store any data in the background.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.
  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.
  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the text value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the text value.

playground input

Text area

This is a text box that gives the user a large area to input text into. This can be used for cases where longer/bigger answers are required.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Placeholder - Text input indicating the placeholder.
  • Min length - Minimum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Max length - Maximum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Hide during labeling - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, this component will be hidden on the main form. This option is useful when you want to store any data in the background.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the text value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the text value.

playground text area


This is a numeric input field. The number entered here can be increased or decreased by using the arrows on the right side of the input field.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Min value - Minimum value to consider the input as valid.
  • Max value - Maximum value to consider the input as valid.
  • Step - Increment by which the number is modified.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Hide during labeling - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, this component will be hidden on the main form. This option is useful when you want to store any data in the background.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: Union[int, float]) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: Union[int, float]): - Fired when the number value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the number value.

playground number


This is a code component that allows the user to write or edit any kind of code. If you type in a default code block, it can later be edited when viewed in the form.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the code value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the code value.

playground code


This is a text component. You can have a paragraph of text on your form, with or without a label.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Text - The text content of the paragraph.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value) - Sets the data of the component.

playground paragraph


This component allows you to input text using the markdown format.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the code value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the code value.