
This component allows you to input text using the markdown format.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Height - The default height of the component.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the code value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the code value.
markdown component

Text area

This is a text box that gives the user a large area to input text into. This can be used for cases where longer/bigger answers are required.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Placeholder - Text input indicating the placeholder.
  • Min length - Minimum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Max length - Maximum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Hide during labeling - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, this component will be hidden on the main form. This option is useful when you want to store any data in the background.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Height - The default height of the component.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the text value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the text value.

playground text area


This is a numeric input field. The number entered here can be increased or decreased by using the arrows on the right side of the input field.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Min value - Minimum value to consider the input as valid.
  • Max value - Maximum value to consider the input as valid.
  • Step - Increment by which the number is modified.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Hide during labeling - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, this component will be hidden on the main form. This option is useful when you want to store any data in the background.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: Union[int, float]) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: Union[int, float]): - Fired when the number value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the number value.

playground number


This is a code component that allows the user to write or edit any kind of code. If you type in a default code block, it can later be edited when viewed in the form.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Height - The default height of the component.
  • Code Language - A selection of code languages you can choose from for your code component.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the code value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the code value.

playground code


This is a text component. You can have a paragraph of text on your form, with or without a label.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Text - The text content of the paragraph.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Height - The default height of the component.
  • Horizontal alignment - You can align the paragraph to the Left, Center, or Right.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value) - Sets the data of the component.

playground paragraph

Text input

This field can be used for any case (name, email, etc.) and can be further edited by label, placeholder and more.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Placeholder - Text input indicating the placeholder.
  • Min length - Minimum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Max length - Maximum text length to consider the input as valid.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Hide during labeling - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, this component will be hidden on the main form. This option is useful when you want to store any data in the background.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.
  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.
  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.
  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the text value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the text value.

playground input