
When configuring the automation, you can select a platform event that'll then trigger the pipeline and carry out the specified action as a result. Events can happen internally (within your project), externally, on a schedule, or manually.

For example, if you use the Project Created internal event, and link it to the Send email action, the email you've entered will be notified every time a project is created.

Internal events can be used for the following entities on the platform, each supporting Create, Update, and Delete operations:

  • Project
  • Folder
  • Item
  • Export

Currently, there is only one event that relies on external input (meaning from anywhere outside of the SuperAnnotate platform):

  • Incoming webhook

To schedule recurring triggers, you can use the following event:

  • Periodic event

To manually trigger and run your pipeline, you first need to create a custom event.

The following pages contain details for each individual event available, with corresponding descriptions of their configurations, details, and example payloads. For detailed descriptions of each key in the payload, please refer to the key dictionary.

Custom events

Key Dictionary