Import formats
You can import multiple annotation formats to SuperAnnotate with the supported conversion functions.
To convert the annotation format from COCO instance segmentation to SuperAnnotate for an Image Project:
input_dir = "./coco",
output_dir = "./sa_vector",
dataset_format = "COCO",
dataset_name = 'instances_train2017',
project_type = 'Vector',
To convert the annotation format from COCO instance segmentation to SuperAnnotate for an Image (Legacy) Project:
input_dir = "./coco",
output_dir = "./sa_pixel",
dataset_format = "COCO",
dataset_name = 'instances_train2017',
project_type = 'Pixel',
SuperAnnotate supports conversions from common annotation formats like COCO, Pascal VOC, YOLO, and more.
Check the table below for the list of supported formats and task combinations in the import_annotation
Format | Project Type | Task |
COCO | Image | instance_segmentation |
COCO | Image | object_detection |
COCO | Image (Legacy) | panoptic_segmentation |
VOC | Image | instance_segmentation |
VOC | Image | object_detection |
YOLO | Image | object_detection |
Export Formats
SuperAnnotate's export format can be converted to COCO:
input_dir = "./exports/sa_vector",
output_dir = "./coco_panoptic",
dataset_format = "COCO",
dataset_name = "panoptic_train2017",
The export converter supports the following COCO tasks:
Format | Project Type | Task |
COCO | Image (Legacy) | panoptic_segmentation |
COCO | Image (Legacy) | instance_segmentation |
COCO | Image | instance_segmentation |
COCO | Image | object_detection |
You can also convert annotations from the SuperAnnotate format into Pandas DataFrame where each annotated instance is stored as a separate row:
annotations_df = sa.aggregate_annotations_as_df(
project_root = “./exports/video_annotations”,
project_type = “Video”,
folder_names = [“test”, “train”])
You can further filter the obtained DataFrame by custom Pandas queries.
The columns of the returned dataframe will vary depending on the project type.
Image projects
Column name | Column description |
imageName | Image name |
folderName | Folder name of the annotations JSON |
imageHeight | Image height |
imageWidth | Image width |
imageStatus | Image’s annotation status |
imagePinned | Image’s pin status |
imageAnnotator | ID of the assigned annotator |
imageQA | ID of the assigned annotator QA |
tag | Video tag |
commentResolved | Information whether the comment was resolved or not |
instanceId | The instance’s index in the image’s instances list |
className | Class name |
classColor | Class color |
attributeGroupName | Attribute group name |
attributeName | Attribute name |
type | Instance type |
error | Instance’s approval status |
locked | Instance locked status |
visible | Instance’s visibility |
trackingId | Instance’s tracking ID |
probability | Instance’s confidence score |
pointLabels | Object that contains the instance’s point labels |
meta | Timestamp’s meta information. Example: bounding box’s points |
groupId | Instance’s group ID |
createdAt | Instance’s creation time |
creationType | Instance’s creation type |
creatorRole | Instance’s creator role |
creatorEmail | Instance’s creator email |
updatedAt | The last time the instance was updated |
updatedBy | The ID of the user who last updated the instance |
updatorRole | The role of the user who last updated the instance |
Video projects
Column name | Column description |
videoName | Video name |
folderName | Folder name of the annotation JSON |
videoHeight | Video’s height |
videoWidth | Video’s width |
videoStatus | Video’s annotation status |
videoURL | Video’s source URL |
videoDuration | Video duration |
videoError | Video approval |
videoAnnotator | The ID of the assigned Annotator |
videoQA | The ID of the assigned QA |
tagId | The tag’s index in the video’s tags list |
tag | Tag name |
instanceId | The instance’s index in the video’s instances list |
instanceStart | The instance’s start time (in microseconds) |
instanceEnd | The instance’s end time (in microseconds) |
type | Instance’s type |
className | Instance’s class name |
createdAt | Instance’s creation time |
createdBy | The ID of the user who created the instance |
creatorRole | The role of the user who created the instance |
updatedAt | The time the instance was last updated |
updatedBy | The ID of the user who updated the instance |
updatorRole | The role of the user who last updated the instance |
pointLabels | Object that contains the instance’s point labels |
parameterId | The index of the parameter in the parameters list of the instance |
parameterStart | Parameter’s start time |
parameterEnd | Parameter’s end time |
timestampId | The timestamp’s index in the list of timestamps |
meta | Timestamp’s meta information. Example: bounding box’s points |
attributeId | The index of the attribute in the attributes list of the timestamp |
attributeGroupName | Attribute’s group name |
attributeName | Attribute’s name |
Updated about 14 hours ago