Key dictionary

This section provides an overview of the keys used in the JSON payload for webhook requests and event data. Each key is associated with a specific value type and a brief description of its purpose.

Webhook request headers

The headers that are included in the webhook request to provide metadata about the request and to ensure proper handling by the server.

KeyValue typeDescription
AcceptstrSpecifies acceptable media types for the response, indicating JSON with UTF-8 encoding.
X-EventstrThe event name.
X-DeliverystrCustom header for identifying request delivery, using a unique identifier.
Content-TypestrSpecifies request payload media type, indicating the JSON format.
X-Authorization-Content-SHA256strCustom header containing a SHA-256 hash representing the request content, used for authorization. It is included in the request headers if a Secret is configured.

Event structure in custom action input JSON

The structure represents an event in the custom action input, containing various identifiers related to the event for processing.


Value type




The unique identifier for the event.



The event name.



The ID of the pipeline associated with the event.



The ID for the result that triggered the event.



A timestamp indicating when the event occurred.



This field stores the keys and values defined during the creation of the custom event. If no keys are defined, the object is empty.

Payload structure

When the Send Webhook or Custom actions are triggered, the payload will contain the following keys that provide details about the event and the associated entities.

KeyValue typeDescription
opstrThe operation that triggered the event.
ts_msintA timestamp indicating when the event occurred.
beforeobjCustom header for identifying request delivery, using a unique identifier.
afterobjContains the resource state before the operation. In the case of a creation operation, the object is null, indicating that there was no previous state for the resource.
organization_idstrThe unique identifier of the organization where the event is triggered.
team_idintThe ID of the team where the event is triggered.
idintThe ID of the entity (e.g. item, folder, project, etc.)
namestrThe name of the entity (e.g. item, folder, project, etc.)
project_idintThe ID of the project where the event is triggered.
project_namestrThe name of the project where the event is triggered. Applicable only for the "Item opened in editor" event.
descriptionstrThe description of the project (null if not provided).
folder_idintThe ID of the folder where the event is triggered.
item_idintThe ID of the item.
itemsarr[int]List of item IDs.
user_idstrThe email address of the user who triggers the event.
user_namestrThe email address of the user who triggers the event. Applicable only for the "Item opened in editor" event.
user_rolestrThe role of the user within the team who triggers the event.
annotator_idstrThe email address of the annotator assigned to the item (null if not assigned).
annotator_namestrThe name of the annotator assigned to the item (null if not assigned).
qa_idstrThe email address of the QA assigned to the item (null if not assigned).
qa_namestrThe name of the QA assigned to the item
createdAtintA timestamp indicating when the entity was created (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch).
updatedAtintA timestamp indicating when the event was triggered (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch).
datestrThe timestamp indicates when the event occurred. Applicable only for the "Periodic event".
is_pinnedboolIndicates whether the entity is pinned (e.g. item or project).
entropy_valuefloatA value representing the entropy of the item. Possible values: a float value or null (if not applicable)
approval_statusstrThe approval status of the item. Possible values: "Approved", "Disapproved", or null (if no status is set).
annotation_statusstrThe current status of annotation for the item (e.g., "Not Started", "In Progress", "Reviewed", etc.).
statusstrThe current status of the project, folder, or exported file when the event is triggered (e.g., "NotStarted").
actionstrType of action performed. Applicable only for the "Item opened in editor" event. Possible value: "ITEM_OPEN"
attachment_namestrThe name of the attachment linked to the project (null if not provided)
attachment_pathstrThe path of the attachment linked to the project (null if not provided)

When the Send Webhook action is triggered by a custom event, the payload will vary based on the value types defined for the event. Refer to the possible types in the Custom event setup section.