There are a number of shortcuts to make your annotation experience quicker and easier. These shortcuts can be accessed in the editor by clicking the Shortcuts button. You can also take a look at all of the available shortcuts listed below.
Shortcut | Description |
2 | Switch to previous step |
3 | Switch to next step |
Z | Polygon tool |
Shift + Z | Eraser polygon tool |
X | Brush tool |
Shift + X | Eraser brush tool |
M | Box "+" |
Shift + M | Box "-" |
J | Ellipse "+" |
Shift + J | Ellipse "-" |
V | Select tool |
C | Comment tool |
I | Eyedropper tool |
B | Bucket tool |
A | Scroll viewport to left |
D | Scroll viewport to right |
W | Scroll viewport to top |
S | Scroll viewport to bottom |
R | Show/Hide drawing canvas |
O | Overwrite mode on/off |
Shift + Q | QA mode on/off |
Shift + Up arrow | Approve instance |
Shift + Down arrow | Disapprove instances |
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow | Approve image |
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow | Disapprove image |
Shift + S | Semantic mode on/off |
Ctrl + Z | Undo last change |
Ctrl + Shift + Z | Redo last change |
Ctrl + S | Save |
Alt + C | Complete |
Ctrl + Q | Quality Check |
Alt + S | Skip image |
Ctrl + B | Return |
Ctrl + Shift + R | Revert |
Ctrl + K | Open shortcuts panel |
Q | Decrease the segmentation scale |
E | Increase the segmentation scale |
[ | Decrease brush size |
] | Increase brush size |
Scroll up | Zoom in |
Scroll down | Zoom out |
Shift + Scroll up | Scroll image up |
Shift + Scroll down | Scroll image down |
Ctrl + Scroll up | Scroll image left |
Ctrl + Scroll down | Scroll image right |
Middle Click | Drag image |
Right arrow / Alt + Scroll | Next |
Left arrow / Alt + Scroll | Previous |
Ctrl / Cmd + P | Pin image |
Alt + T | Tag image |
Ctrl + Shift + Scroll | Change brush size |
Double Click in polygon tool | Complete polygon |
Esc | Close the comment window |
Updated 5 months ago