You can download your complete annotation data. To do this, click on FineTune in the left panel and go to the Downloads tab of your project.
Download Image (Legacy) Projects and Image Projects
To download an Image (Legacy) Project or an Image Project:
- In Downloads, click Prepare download.
- Choose an annotation format: SuperAnnotate or COCO.
- Select the folders you want to include in your download.
- Select one or multiple statuses to filter which items to include in your download.
- Check the boxes if you want to include fused images and pinned items in your download.
- Check the boxes if you want to download items by status (if you chose the SuperAnnotate format) or by task type (if you chose the COCO format).
- Click Prepare.
- When the download is complete, a folder will appear. Download that folder.
Download settings for SuperAnnotate
You can choose to download the images by their status: Not started, In progress, Completed, Quality check, Returned, and Skipped. Check the boxes to do so.
The download package is the same for all image statuses:
- Classes JSON
- Original images (if fused images are enabled)
- Annotations JSON
- Fused images (if enabled)
- Blue masks (Image (Legacy) Projects only)
- Folder (if available)
- Annotation JSON
- Fused images (if enabled)
- Original images (if fused images are enabled)
- Blue masks (Image (Legacy) Projects only)
- A folder will only be exported if it contains images that have the image status or image statuses indicated in the download settings. The exported folder will only contain the relevant images.
Download settings for COCO
You can choose to download the images by task type. Click here to learn more.
The download package contains:
- Annotations JSON
- Annotations JSON (for folders, if available)
- Fused images (if enabled)
- Original images (if fused images are enabled)
- Blue masks (instance segmentation only)
You can check one task type at a time. Only completed images can be converted into the COCO format.
If the completed images are in a folder, the export will contain the annotations of the completed images only.
Download Video or Audio Projects
To download a Video or Audio Project:
- In Downloads, click Prepare download.
- Select the folders you want to include in your download.
- Select one or multiple statuses to filter which items to include in your download.
- Click Prepare.
- When the download is complete, a folder will appear. Download that folder.
The download file contains the following:
- Classes JSON
- Item JSON
- Folder(s) (if applicable)
A folder will only be exported if it contains items that have the item status(s) indicated in the download settings. The exported folder will only contain the relevant item(s).
Download Text Projects
To download a Text Project:
- In Downloads, click Prepare download.
- Select the folders you want to include in your download.
- Select one or multiple statuses to filter which items to include in your download.
- Click Prepare. If you don't check any box, all the items will be included in the download.
- When the download is complete, a folder will appear. Download that folder.
The download folder contains the following:
- Classes JSON
- Text JSON
- Folder(s) (if applicable)
A folder will only be exported if it contains documents that have the document status(s) indicated in the download settings. The exported folder will only contain the relevant document(s).
Download Multimodal Projects
To learn about downloading your Multimodal projects, read here.
Download projects with external annotation storage
If you want to download a project whose annotation data is being stored in an external storage, then you’ll also need to specify the annotation location path.
To download a project this way:
- In Downloads, click Prepare Download.
- Select the folders you want to include in your download.
- Select one or multiple statuses to filter which items to include in your download.
- Select an annotation location path available to your team from the dropdown.
- Check Pinned items to include pinned items in your download (Optional, for local projects only).
- Click Prepare.
- When the download is complete, select one of two download options:
- Get dataset link - you’ll receive a download link that will expire after 1 hour. Anyone with access to the link will be able to download the project data.
- Download dataset - a zip file containing your project dataset will be downloaded without storing any data on SuperAnnotate’s servers.
- When you prepare your project’s dataset for download, the exportable data will be stored in the location you specify.
- If there isn’t a folder corresponding to the path name you’ve provided, one will be created during preparation.
- The folder will be created with the following path:
export / TEAM ID / PROJECT ID /
- If the annotations have been deleted, then a folder will be created at the provided path with an empty zip file.
Prepare and download export with SDK
You can send an API request to prepare the project for the export. You can use multiple filters to specify the content of the export bundle. Learn more.
Rename download file
To rename a downloaded file:
- In the Downloads tab, find the downloaded file that you want to rename.
- Click the ellipsis button.
- Select Rename.
- Type a new name. The name can’t contain any of the following characters:
/ \ : * ? " < > |
Cancel download preparation
To cancel a download preparation:
- In the Downloads tab, find the download preparation that you want to cancel.
- Click Cancel.
- In the popup, click Cancel.
Delete download file
To delete a download file:
- Go to the Downloads tab.
- Click the delete button that corresponds to the file you want to delete.
- In the popup, click Delete.
If the deleted file has a download link, the link will be expired.
If a download you want to delete has been stored on an external cloud storage, it will only be deleted from the download list. To delete the stored file as well, you will have to do so manually from the external container.
Updated 4 months ago