Team permissions

✅ Yes
❌ No
⚠️ Needs permission

Team permissions

Permissions/RolesTeam OwnerTeam AdminContributor
Change the team name and description
Invite team members
Delete or reassign Team Admins
Set the permissions of Project Admins
Create, rename, and delete projects
Create, edit, and delete custom columns
Pin/unpin projects
Generate a token for Python SDK
View SDK token⚠️
Allow Team Admins to access Orchestrate⚠️
Explore datasets✅ (Project Admin only)

Access to Orchestrate

As a Team Owner, you can choose to provide your Team Admins access to the Orchestrate feature.

To do this:

  1. Go to your team.
  2. In Members, check the Orchestrate box next to the team member’s username or email address.


  • When adding new Team Admins, this option is unchecked by default.
  • The Team Owner can also later revoke a Team Admin’s access to Orchestrate.