Create project

To create a project:

    project_name = "Project Name",
    project_description = "Project Description",
    project_type = "Vector")


Project types

Image Project: Vector
Image (Legacy) Project: Pixel
Video Project: Video
Text Project: Document

To create a Video Project and set the frame rate:

    project_name = "Project Name",
    project_description = "Project Description",
    project_type = "Video",
    settings = [{"attribute": "FrameRate", "value": 24}]

Rename project

To rename a project:

    project = "Project Name",
    new_name = "New Project Name")

Set project status

To set the status of a project:

	project = "Project 1"
	status = "Completed")

The status should be one of the following: NotStarted, InProgress, Completed, or OnHold.

Delete project

To delete a project:

sa.delete_project(project = "Project Name")

Clone project

To clone an existing project with its setup, annotation classes, and contributors:

    project_name = "Clone Project Name",
    from_project = "Existing Project Name",
    project_description = "Clone Project Description",
    copy_annotation_classes = True,
    copy_settings = True,
    copy_workflow = True,
    copy_contributors = False)

To clone projects with attached URLs:

    project_name = "New Project Name",
    from_project = "Source Project Name",
    project_description = "New Project Description", 
    copy_annotation_classes = True, 
    copy_settings = True,
    copy_contributors = False)


Newly created projects will have a Not Started status.

Share project

To share a project with the project contributors:

    project = "Project Name",
    emails = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
    role = "Annotator")


The value of the user role field can be: Admin, Annotator, or QA.

Search project

To get the list of projects in the current team:


To get projects by status:



Project statuses

A project can have one of the following statuses: NotStarted, InProgress, OnHold, Completed, and Undefined.

To get projects with the specified search string:

sa.search_projects(name = "Project Prefix")

To get the list of projects that contain at least one image that has the Completed annotations status:

    name = "Project Prefix",
    include_complete_item_count = True)

Get subsets

To get a list of a project's subsets:

   project = "Car Project"

The output will be a list of subsets. Here's an example:

[{'name': 'Blue cars'}, {'name': 'Green cars'}]

Project settings

To get project settings:

sa.get_project_settings(project = "Project Name")

Project steps

To get the project steps:

sa.get_project_workflow(project = "Project Name")