Manage documents

Move documents

  1. In the Data tab or in Explore, select one or multiple documents.
  2. Click Move/Copy to Folder on the floating bar.
  3. Click Move to Folder.
  4. Choose the destination folder.
  5. Click Move.

When you move an item from one folder to another, the item's annotation time is displayed in the Analytics tab of the previous folder. Learn more.



  • You can't move folders.
  • Documents with existing names will be skipped and will remain in their source folder.
  • Documents that exceed the folder limit won't be moved.

Copy documents

  1. In the Data tab or in Explore, select one or multiple documents.
  2. Click Move/Copy to Folder on the floating bar.
  3. Click Copy to Folder.
  4. Choose the destination folder.
  5. Check the Include item data box if you want to copy the documents with their item data included, as listed below (optional).
  6. Click Copy.



  • You can't copy documents and folders at the same time.
  • Documents with existing names will be skipped.
  • Documents that exceed the folder limit won't be copied.

Find documents

To find a document, go to Data and type the name of the document in the search bar.

Sort documents

In Data, you can click on Name, Status, or Priority to sort all videos in ascending ^ or descending v order.


Status is sorted by: Not started, In progress, Returned, Quality Check, Completed, and Skipped.

Filter documents

To filter your documents:

  1. In Data, click on the Filter button beside the search bar.
  2. Choose an annotation status: Any, Not started, In progress, Quality Check, Returned, Completed, Skipped.


To clear filters, you can click on your selections again to remove them, or simply click Reset Filters.