There are a number of shortcuts to make your annotation experience quicker and easier. These shortcuts can be accessed in the editor by clicking the Shortcuts button. You can also take a look at all of the available shortcuts listed below.

VSelect object
GMagic select
AltJump between Magic Select polygon layers
Middle clickDrag image
XBounding box
MMagic Polygon
OMagic Box (OCR)
Enter / Double clickClose polygon / polyline
Alt + CTurn on/off polygon clip mode
Shift + SSubtract polygon
EscUndo last polygon/polyline point
Shift + Double clickDelete polygon/polyline point
Shift + Right clickAdd point label on point object
Ctrl + XRotated box
Alt + TFree text tag
EscClose comment window
Scroll upZoom in
Scroll downZoom out
.Switch to next workflow step
,Switch to previous workflow step
Shift + QQA mode on/off
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
RShow/Hide objects
Ctrl + LShow/Hide object labels
Shift + CShow/Hide class labels
Shift + AShow/Hide attribute labels
Shift + PShow/Hide point labels
Shift + GShow/Hide group ID labels
=Increase the brightness by 10%
-Decrease the brightness by 10%
]Increase the opacity by 5%
[Decrease the opacity by 5%
Shift + +Increase the contrast by 10%
Shift + _Decrease the contrast by 10%
Ctrl + FComplete
Ctrl + QQuality check
Ctrl + BReturn
Alt + SSkip
Ctrl + Shift + RRevert
Delete / BackspaceDelete selected object
TabSwitch forward between objects
Shift + TabSwitch backward between objects
Shift + Up arrowApprove object
Shift + Down arrowDisapprove object
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowApprove image
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrowDisapprove image
Right arrow / Alt + ScrollNext
Left arrow / Alt + ScrollPrevious
Ctrl + PPin
Shift + ]Send the selected object to the top layer
Shift + [Send the selected object to the bottom layer
WScroll viewport up
SScroll viewport down
AScroll viewport left
DScroll viewport right
Shift + Scroll upScroll image up
Shift + Scroll downScroll image down
Ctrl + Scroll leftScroll image left
Ctrl + Scroll rightScroll image right
Ctrl + CCopy selected object
Ctrl + VPaste selected object
Ctrl + DDuplicate object
Double click on pointDuplicate polygon/polyline point
Shift + Double click on pointDelete polygon/polyline point
Ctrl + Select objectSelect multiple objects
Ctrl + GGroup selected objects
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup selected objects
Ctrl + Shift + PTurn pixelated zoom on/off
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + KOpen shortcut panel