
This allows you to add a dropdown menu to your form with selectable options.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Placeholder - Text input indicating the placeholder.
  • Select type - Radio button. You can specify if the options should be single or multi-select.
  • Options - Manipulation menu. Here you can add, remove and rename options. You can define default values as well.
  • + Add option - Clicking this'll add another option. You can remove them again by clicking the delete button on the right side of each option.
  • Reset defaults - If you have one or multiple options selected as the default, this'll reset the selection.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value) - Sets the data of the component. For single-select: value: str. For multi-select: value: List[str].

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value): - Fired when the checkbox value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the checkbox value. For single-select: value: str. For multi-select: value: List[str].

playground select


This slider can be used to set a range between two numbers.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Min value - Minimum value of the slider.
  • Max value - Maximum value of the slider.
  • Step - Increment by which the number is modified.
  • Suffix - A suffix appended to the slider value popup.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.
  • Slider type - Radio button. Specify if the slider represents a single value or a range.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: Union[int, float]) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: Union[int, float]): - Fired when the slider value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the slider value. For the range slider: value: Union[int, [int], float, [float]]

playground slider


This component provides text label to input a name, sentence or question, as well as a list of multiple selection options.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.
  • Layout - You can choose to have your options displayed vertically in a single column, or you can display them on a line horizontally that wraps as it reaches the edge of the component.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Options - Manipulation menu. Here you can add, remove and rename options. You can define default values as well.
  • + Add option - Clicking this'll add another option. You can remove them again by clicking the delete button on the right side of each option.
  • Reset defaults - If you have one or multiple options selected as the default, this'll reset the selection.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: List[str]) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: List[str]): - Fired when the checkbox value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the checkbox value.

playground checkbox


This component provides text label to input a name, sentence or question, as well as a list of single selection options.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.
  • Layout - You can choose to have your options displayed vertically in a single column, or you can display them on a line horizontally that wraps as it reaches the edge of the component.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Options - Manipulation menu. Here you can add, remove and rename options. You can define default values as well.
  • + Add option - Clicking this'll add another option. You can remove them again by clicking the delete button on the right side of each option.
  • Reset defaults - If you have an option selected as the default, this'll reset the selection.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the radio value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the radio value.

playground radio


With this component, you can add an approval response.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: int) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: int): - Fired when the voting value is changed by user, receives the component's path and the voting value - 0 or 1.

playground voting


This component allows you to add a rating to your form.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Number of stars - Number of stars to use in the rating.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the input is considered invalid if left empty (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: int) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: int): - Fired when the rating value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and rating.

playground rating


This component allows you to choose a specific time or date.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Include time - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the time picker is visible.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the date/time value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the date/time value.

playground date


This component allows you to choose a specific time.


  • Label - Text input indicating the label of the component visible in the UI.
  • Add info icon - Disabled by default. When enabled, it shows a tooltip icon on the component. The tooltip shows text that can be entered in the component’s properties.
  • Width - The default width of the component.
  • Required - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the input is considered invalid when there is no text (it is impossible to complete items with invalid inputs).
  • Exclude from export - Checkbox. Disabled by default. When enabled, the value of the component will be excluded from the exported annotation JSON.

Related Functions

  • getValue(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Returns the data of the component.

  • setValue(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str) - Sets the data of the component.

  • disable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Disables the component.

  • enable(path: List[Union[str, int]]) - Enables the component.

Related Events

  • on_<component id>change(path: List[Union[str, int]], value: str): - Fired when the time value is changed by the user, receives the component's path and the time value.

playground time