April 23, 2023

We're bringing you new features to help you create top-quality training data for your AI. Keep on reading to learn more!

New functionalities in the Explore tab

We’ve added new features in the Explore tab to help you manage your dataset even better.

Add comments in bulk

To add comments to an item/instance or multiple items/instances:

  1. Select one or multiple items/instances.
  2. Click Comment in the menu at the bottom of the page.
  3. In the popup, type a comment.
  4. Click Add Comment.

Assign items to Annotators and QAs in bulk

To assign one or multiple items:

  1. Select one or multiple items/instances.
  2. Click Assign in the menu at the bottom of the page.
  3. Choose an Annotator and/or a QA.
  4. Click Assign.

Change the class of instances in bulk

To change the class of one or multiple instances:

  1. Select one or multiple instances.
  2. Click Change class in the menu at the bottom of the page.
  3. Choose a class. You can also choose or type an attribute depending on the attribute group type, if applicable. Learn more below.
  4. Click Change.


Attribute types

  • Single-selection: You can choose an attribute from the drop-down list.
  • Multi-selection: You can choose one or multiple attributes.
  • Text input: You need to type a text. The text can’t exceed 512 characters.
  • Numeric input: You need to type a number. The number can’t exceed 512 characters.

Automatic assignment

We’ve added Automatic assignment in SetupGeneral.

  • When enabled, Annotators and QAs can click Request Tasks in the Data tab and receive items sorted by priority score. Automatic assignment is enabled by default.
  • When disabled, Annotators and QAs won't be able to request data. You'll have to assign it to them manually.

Stretch instance in the Text Editor

  • Now you can stretch instances in the Text Editor. This will help you edit existing annotations without having to delete and recreate them.

Other features and improvements

  • Now you can interpolate Polygons and Polylines in the Video Editor.
  • SDK changelog

What do you think of the updates? We’d love to hear your feedback.

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