August 21, 2022

This release is bringing you tags in the Video Editor, new types of attribute groups, and more. Keep on reading to see what else we have in store for you!

Tags in the Video Editor

Now you can add tags in Video Projects, the same way you do in Vector Projects and Text Projects.

When you create a class, you need to choose what you’re going to use it for; objects or tags. If you want to use a class for objects, you can use it for instances only. If you want to use a class for tags, you’ll be able to use it to assign tags to items from the editor.

The old tag feature is still there, only now it goes by Free Text Tag, and it works the way it always has.

Navigation redesign

We redesigned the navigation experience for a smoother flow. You might notice that the teams dropdown menu has been removed. You can now find it in the breadcrumb.

New types of attributes group

Up until now, we had two attribute group types: Single selection and Multiple selection. We’re now introducing you to two new attribute group types for objects and tags in Vector Projects and Text Projects: Text input and Numeric input.

  • By choosing Text input, the Annotator will be able to type a text and the text will be considered as an attribute. For example, you could use the Text input if you want your Annotators to describe CT scans.
  • By choosing Numeric input, the Annotator will be able to input a number as an attribute for the attribute group. For example, the attribute could be Number of cars, and the Annotators can use the numeric field for their answer.

Save queries

Now you can save queries in Explore.

To save a query:

  1. Type a query in the query bar.
  2. Click on the star at the right edge of the query bar.
  3. In the popup, type a query name.
  4. Click Save.

New query fields

Custom metadata

Now you can query items by custom metadata in Vector Projects, Video Projects, and Text Projects.

Priority score

Now you can query items by priority score in Vector Projects, Video Projects, and Text Projects.

Video duration

You can also now query by video duration in Video Projects.

Other changes and improvements

  • When you hover over the info icon of an item in the editor, you can find new information besides the names of the assigned QAs and Annotators. Now you can also find the name of the object and folder. You can also find info about when and who made the last change on the item.
  • Right panel redesign of the Vector Editor.
  • SDK changelog.

What do you think of the updates? We’d love to hear your feedback.

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