August 31, 2023

This release brings you the overhauled Pipelines feature, as well as the addition of Natural Language Search to the Explore tab. Take a look!


We’ve completely reworked the Pipelines feature to allow you to automate tasks in your ML pipeline with ease to increase project efficiency.

You can set up processes within a pipeline that tune into specific event triggers of your choice. This will allow certain actions to take place automatically without any further prompts from you. These actions include sending webhooks to a specified URL, or sending emails to an address of your choice.

You also have the option to manually write and build custom actions through a code editor. You may install your own libraries and even select the python version it runs on. This action can then be used and linked to event triggers when creating or editing your pipelines.

These events and actions can be linked within the Pipeline canvas and you can set up multiple processes to be active within each pipeline at once.

Natural language search

As an addition to Similarity Search, we’re introducing the Natural Language Search feature within the Explore tab. This will allow you to use the NLS-specific search bar and find items that most match the given word or phrase.

For example, you may choose to use this to locate all images within your project that contain ‘Traffic Lights’ so that you can make sure that they are all annotated and classified accordingly.

What do you think of the updates? We’d love to hear your feedback.

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