March 21, 2021 (Python SDK)

For this release, we are introducing functionalities that make your SuperAnnotate experience smoother and faster. You can use Python SDK to create and manage folders, update annotation statuses in bulk, and compute consensus and benchmark between multiple folders.

The technical enhancements in data management improve the performance of image transfers in a project. Note that we updated project-based functionalities in SDK to work smoothly with folder-based functionalities.

Folder structure

New functions

You can now perform folder-level actions via Python SDK:

  • Create folders
  • Rename folders
  • Delete folders
  • Search folders
  • Copy and move images
  • Delete images

Click here to learn more.

Updated functions

We also updated all functions that worked with projects to work with folders. Here’s one example:

To upload images to a project, you need to specify the project name:

  	project = “Lane Annotation”,
  	folder_path = "./images")

You can specify a folder path to upload images to a folder:

  	project = “Lane Annotation/batch1”,
  	folder_path = "./images")

You can also compute consensus and benchmark between multiple folders, and export a list of folders. Click here to learn more about the updated functions.

Bulk annotation status update

You can update annotation statuses in bulk via Python SDK:

    project = project_name, 
    image_names = images,
    annotation_status = "Returned")

What do you think of the updates? We’d love to hear your feedback.

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