Create automation

The creation process will take you to a canvas where you can lay out your automations. There are a number of event triggers you can choose from, and actions that can take place. You can also have multiple processes going on in a single pipeline.

To get started, go to the Orchestrate tab from the left panel.

Create a pipeline

To create a pipeline:

  1. In Orchestrate, click + New Pipeline.
  2. From the left panel, click and drag an event component onto the canvas.
  3. Select an action component to use: Send webhook, Send email, or a Custom action.
  4. Next, fill in the details for each component from the right panel.
  5. Connect the event to the action. You can do so by clicking a point on the event’s border and dragging the link to the corresponding action.
  6. Repeat steps 2–5 as many times as necessary.
  7. Click Save.

You can make changes to your pipeline after creation and manage them from the list. Learn more.


  • Any unlinked event or action card left on the canvas will be deleted when the pipeline is saved.
  • You may chain multiple actions to take place after an event is triggered.


  • Please note that events can’t be used as outputs, and actions can’t be triggers.
  • The Periodic event component can only be used to trigger Webhooks and Custom actions.

Custom actions

When in Orchestrate, you’ll be able to access your custom actions from the Actions tab in the top left. There are two ways you can create a custom action: From the UI, and by importing from GitHub.

To create a custom action from the UI:

  1. In the Actions tab, click + New Action.
  2. Click New action, or select a template to work on.
  3. Type in an Action name.
  4. Type in a Description (optional).
  5. You may change the Python version.
  6. You may list required environments (optional).
  7. In the Code Editor, you can write your own custom code to build the action manually.
  8. When you’re done, click Save.

To import a custom action from a GitHub repository:

  1. In the Actions tab, click + New Action.
  2. Click Import from GitHub.
  3. Under GitHub URL, paste your repository’s link.
  4. Click Import.
  5. If applicable, make any necessary edits or changes in the Code Editor.
  6. When you’re done, click Save.

You may also use this method to import SuperAnnotate’s pre-defined templates, by pasting the templates’ GitHub repository link.

Editing your action

While the environment is being built, you can edit the action’s code, name, and description. From the list of custom actions, click on the action you want to edit, and follow the steps below according to what you want to change.

To change the action’s code:

  1. Make your changes accordingly in the action’s code editor.
    • You can Discard changes to revert the code back to the original state.
  2. Click Save.
    • This will only save the changes you’ve made in the code editor.

To change the name and description:

  1. Go to the Settings tab in the left panel.
  2. Click on the Edit button on the name and/or description to make your changes.
  3. Click Save.

To edit your environment configurations (this can’t be done while the build is in progress):

  1. When in the Environment tab, click Edit.
  2. Make your changes to the environment accordingly.
  3. Click Build.


Secrets can be used to create environment variables for your actions more securely. When linking a secret to a custom action, the keys can be used in the environment to draw from predefined values.

You can view the list of available secrets from the Secrets tab in Actions.

To create a secret:

  1. When in the Secrets tab, click + New secret.
  2. In the pop-up, type in a name for your secret.
  3. Type in a description (optional).
  4. Enter a unique name for your Key and define its Value.
  5. You can click + Add Key to create more variables.
  6. When you’re done, click Create.


  • Custom actions can only have one linked secret at a time.
  • All keys in the same secret must have unique names.


To edit a secret:

  1. In the Secrets tab, find the action you want to edit.
  2. Click the three dots .
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the necessary changes accordingly.
  5. Click Save.


To rename a secret:

  1. In the Secrets tab, find the action you want to edit.
  2. Click the three dots .
  3. Click Rename.
  4. Type in a new name for your action.
  5. Click Save.