The benchmark tool allows you to compare instances to ground truth annotations. You can use the benchmarking tool in Image Projects for the following instance types: Bounding Box, Polygon, and Point.


How does it work?

You have a project in which there are several folders, all containing the same images. You assign each folder to an Annotator. When the Annotators are done annotating all the images, you upload a folder containing the ground truth annotations to the project. Then you calculate the benchmark.

Calculate the benchmark of Bounding Boxes and Polygons

  1. Match all the corresponding instances across all images and folders, including the ground truth folder.
  2. Compute the intersection over union (IoU) score between the instance and the matching ground truth instance.

Calculate the benchmark of Points

  1. Match all the corresponding instances across all images and folders, including the ground truth folder.
  2. Check if the instance matches the ground truth instance. If yes, then the score of the instance is 1. Otherwise, it’s 0.

SDK functions

When there's a predefined folder for ground truth annotations, use benchmark to compute the annotation quality against the ground truth:

benchmark_df = sa.benchmark(
    project = "Project Name",
    gt_folder = "Benchmark Annnotations",
    folder_names =  ["Team 1", "Team 2", "Team 3"], 
    export_root = "./exports")

A Pandas DataFrame with the exact same structure as the consensus computation is returned.

Similar plots are generated when show_plots is enabled:

benchmark_df = sa.benchmark(
    project = "Project Name",
    gt_folder = "Benchmark Annnotations",
    folder_names =  ["Team 1", "Team 2", "Team 3"], 
    export_root = "./exports", 
    show_plots = True)