Local storage
Upload from your computer
You can upload images to Image Projects and Image (Legacy) Projects only.
To upload images from your local storage:
- In Data, click Add.
- Select Uploads Images.
- In Upload from computer, click Choose files and choose files from your computer or drag and drop files from your computer.
- Click Upload.
After you're done uploading, you can see the number of uploaded, skipped, and failed images.
Why is an image skipped?
An image is skipped if:
- It has an existing name.
- Its resolution exceeds 4 MP for Image (Legacy) Projects and 100 MP for Image Projects.
- Its size exceeds 100 MB for Image Projects and Image (Legacy) Projects.
- It can’t be uploaded because the image upload limit has been reached.
Why does an image fail to upload?
An image fails to upload if:
- Its resolution exceeds 100 MP.
- Its file format isn't supported.
Supported image file formats
SuperAnnotate supports the following image file formats when you want to upload from the local storage: JPG, JPEG, PNG, WEBP, TIFF, BMP, and TIF.
Image upload limitations
You can't upload more than 50,000 images, whether it's in a root folder or a folder. The remaining images will be skipped.
If you want to upload more than 50,000 images to your project, you can do so by creating multiple folders. For example, if you need to upload 100,000 images, you can create two folders and upload 50,000 images to each folder.
Videos (for Image Projects only)
You can upload videos from your local storage to Image Projects only.
To upload videos from your local storage:
- In Data, click Add.
- Select Upload Video (with frames).
- Click Choose files and choose files from your computer or drag and drop files from your computer.
- Under Frame Rate (fps), enter a number to break your videos into several frames or images. Frame rate (fps) is the number of frames that appear per second. The higher the frame rate, the more images will appear per second, and vice versa. The default frame rate is 1.
- Click Upload.
Supported video file formats
SuperAnnotate supports the following video file formats: MP4, AVI, MOV, FLV, MPEG, and WEBM.
Video upload limitations
The size of the video file you want to upload can't exceed 5GB. There are no resolution limitations.
CLI upload
You can import images to Image Projects and Image (Legacy) Projects only.
To import images via CLI:
superannotatecli upload-images --project <project_name> --folder <folder_path>
Updated 3 days ago